I'm a web designer
& frontend dev.

Currently developing at DigiGround.

Have a project in mind?

github. linkedin. unsplash.

Based in


As a web designer,
I specialise in creating unique visual page experiences that capture the essence of a product or organisation.

A great website or app is made via clear communication and a common purpose.

Boost Education

Wordpress business design and build


HTML + CSS + JS Web design, host and build


REACT JS application design and build @DigiGround.

A 4 month journey on designing UI/UX and building components for an in-house language keyword translator.

UTS ROCK-E Rover Team

HTML + Tailwindcss + JS Web design and build

Totally Relax

HTML + CSS + JS Meditation and sleep app design and build


JS + REST + SQL App design and build @APCD.

A 3 month project to build an app which manages written inventory at an IT company.

📸 I also take and edit photos.

Have a project
in mind?